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General Articles - Product Reviews

Off Road Trail Tools - Wheel Chocks

Article written by Moab Man

Date Added: 05/03/2010

Innovative: advanced, forward-looking, modern, see OffRoadTrailTools.com

Tat Marcy, Off Road Trail Tools (ORTT), told us he had wheel chocks like nothing else on the market, and he was right. Lightweight, strong, and for all you CJ & Wrangler owners with limited space these chocks are collapsible (10" x 7" x 1.5") for easy storage.
We've all been there: stopped on an incline, needing to winch, maybe jacking up a vehicle. In any case, chock is needed to prevent the vehicle from rolling away (or over someone as the case may be). Many times a rock or log will do, but neither is what we would call reliable to stay in place.
Unlike the various pieces of nature you find along the trail that might be used as a ?chock?, the ORTT chock properly wedges between your tire and the earth below. But there is more to this chock than just the right shape and proper fit.
Proving these chocks off road pedigree, the two contact surfaces (ground plate and tire contact plate) are covered with aggressive teeth that bite-in and keep your rig in place.
If you have concerns about the strength of a collapsible chock - FEAR NOT! ORTT claims these chocks are "Rated at 7,000 lbs per axle set." But don?t take their word for it. We can tell you first hand about the strength of these chocks. As shown in the video below, we have rolled over these chocks (on rock) while improperly using (or is abusing a better word) them. Damage? We caused the staking tab to bend upward a bit. Nothing that couldn't be fixed with five minutes time and a small hammer.

Staking tab? Yes, that?s right. If you find yourself in a nasty enough situation that the ORTT chock can't get enough bite, there are three holes in the ground plate where metal tent stakes can be used to lock the chock in place.
The only thing we haven't mentioned is the price; and for good reason. Just like the Corvette I have been eyeballing, these chocks are not within everyone's budget. Cost? About $100 per chock.

Final Thoughts

We awarded the "Top Choice" designation after a lot of haggling back and forth.

Quality - Between the stainless steel hardware, and the aluminum plate construction, it was clearly worthy.

Price - This was the hard part in whether or not we could designate "Top Choice." There is no disputing $100 per chock is quite a chunk out of the wallet. However, the ORTT chock is not a disposable purchase. Frankly it will outlast your current Jeep and many more after it. Once you're past the initial sticker price, understanding this chock has a lifetime greater than your own, $100 isn't really that much for such a quality tool.

Oh, and if you need just that extra little incentive: for those of you that wheel in the snow or slick conditions, these chocks can be opened up and laid flat to give you a traction strip.

Purchase / Vendor Info

Vendor Name: Off Road Trail Tools .com
Address: 7099 W Hutchs Pools Place
Tucson, AZ 85743
Phone: 520-579-2079
Contact Person: Tat Marcy
E-Mail Address:
Website: http://www.expeditionexchange.com/ortt/

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