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General Articles - Product Reviews

Treadwright Guard Dog M/T Update - 1 year later

Article written by Doc Jones

Date Added: 07/11/2010

The name of the MTG tire has changed, but our feelings on the tire remain the same.

It's hard to believe we've been running these tires for over a year now. It's even harder to believe when you see how good these tires still look after that time. The tread wear has been nothing short of spectacular. We were admittedly skeptical about how long these would last. You'll recall from the initial review that these tires have great off road traction, which typically doesn't translate well into highway durability. Honestly I was almost expecting to see large chunks of rubber slinging off the tires while cruising at freeway speeds.
Happily, I can report the exact opposite happening. If I didn't know better, I'd think these tires were no more than a couple months old. As I said before, Treadwright absolutely nailed the rubber compound.
The extensive highway miles are only half the story. These tires have NOT found their home on a mall crawler. Those thousands of miles we've put on them are paired with hundreds of off-road miles from multiple trips to Moab and other wheeling hot spots around the state. And as you can see at the end of the video, we put our tires to work off road.
But that's enough praise for right now. It's time for a little controversy. Treadwright calls these a mud tire, and I'm sure a lot of you out there are going to agree with them. But over the course of the past year, I've come to disagree with that.
To me these are a very aggressive all terrain tire, but not a mud tire. The voids are too small. The tread, while aggressive, is just a little shy of what I consider a true mud tire. Some of that may very well be a result of the 285/75r16 size (which I still don't like the metric sizing). When Treadwright releases their 37" version later this year, maybe I'll change my mind.

Final Thoughts

All in all, in spite of the tires being the wrong size and so far having no hope of a 33 or 35x12.50 in the future, we're still going to give these tires an Approved rating. The rubber is as near perfect as you're going to get for a good all-around tire, and the incredible value simply can't be beat anywhere else.

Purchase / Vendor Info

Vendor Name: Treadwright Inc.
Address: PO Box 763
Edgemont, SD 57735
Phone: 1-877-439-0759
E-Mail Address:
Website: www.treadwright.com/

Our Thank You's!

Thank you Treadwright for proving outstanding performance doesn't have to break the bank.

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